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Top Home Gym Equipment You Should Have for An Intense Workout at Home

Top Home Gym Equipment You Should Have for An Intense Workout at Home

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Must Have Home Gym Equipment for 2022
Here are our top picks of must-have home gym equipment to up your workout game in 2022!

Shopper Informer

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Are you tired of traveling to the gym every day? Do you often skip your gym days for unforeseen reasons, bad weather, or lack of time? Are you tired of paying for a gym membership? Do you prefer privacy while working out? Are you just a workout enthusiast who wants to have home gym equipment set up of your own? A home gym can be your go-to place for a simple or intense full-body cardio workout.

A home gym works best for people who want to stay fit for a long time by following a consistent workout routine. However, storing a lot of equipment can be difficult if you live in a small place.

Thus, it is suggested to get space-friendly home gym equipment to save your space as well as gym membership money. Let us now talk about the best home gym equipment that is a must-have for a private gym.

Must-Have Home Gym Equipment for 2022

Here are our top picks of must-have home gym equipment to up your workout game in 2022!

1. Barbell Set

A barbell set is made of a long metallic rod on which different adjustable weight plates are placed according to your workout capacity. Barbell set is used for weight training, bodybuilding, enhancing strength, resistance training, and other lower or upper body workouts making it an essential workout equipment.

The barbell sets are made of a durable material like steel, having a weight capacity of up to 700 lbs, a standard diameter of the rod, thin width of the weight plates, and a design that offers firm grips.

Our Top Picks

2. Rowing Machine

A rowing machine is an indoor home fitness equipment that gives the benefits of watercraft rowing, helping you in losing weight, strength training, building the major muscles of your limbs, enhancing endurance, and improving cardiovascular stamina. They work on water or air resistance.

It is one of the best home gym workout equipment as it thins your body while toning muscles and reducing heart and breathing rates. Keep in mind the size, storage, and noise level while buying a rowing machine.

Our Top Picks

Sunny Health & Fitness Rowing Machine Rower Ergometer

Key Features

  • 4-level adjustable resistance 
  • Non-slip handler 
  • Digital monitor 


The Sunny health & fitness rowing machine is the perfect workout machine for burning and building muscles you need at home. It is expertly designed with high-strength, durable construction and has comfortable wide cushioned seats that help increase blood circulation through the glutes and legs as you work out. 

What's more, thanks to the soft padded handle-bars, you can safely work out for long hours without tiring your fingers and not to mention. The training machine also features an LCD that displays all your workout metrics. 

Further, with the 4-level adjustable resistance, you can choose the intensity of all of your crucial workouts with the rowing machine. 

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04/02/2024 09:48 pm GMT

3. Treadmill

Treadmills are the most widely used gym equipment, right? They are used for experiencing walking, running, jogging, or climbing while staying in one place. Moreover, they are excellent for cardio workouts, strength training, reducing body weight, toning muscles, and efficient aerobic workout.

A good treadmill is durable, easy to use, environment-friendly, and comfortable. Also, look for the weight capacity, belt size, and cushioning before getting one for yourself.

Treadmills are one of the best pieces of gym equipment when it comes to feasibility, reliability, long-term use, and fruitful effects.

Our Top Picks

NordicTrack T Series Treadmill + 30-Day iFIT Membership

Key Features

  • Free 30-Day iFit Membership Included
  • Smart-response motor for effective speed 
  • Innovative Space Saver design 


The NordicTrack T series treadmill is a perfect choice for Power workers and joggers looking to pick up the pace on shorter jaunts. The high-powered smart response motor is designed to support all types of cardio training, from HIIT to workouts to running. 

The T Series Treadmill incorporates a ten-inch HD display screen for viewing fitness classes and special stats. The Treadmill helps you train and guide your workout; the machine comes with a one-year iFit subscription for live and recorded classes

All the crucial workouts, led by all the top-tier trainers, are available in the iFIT library, allowing you to manage your pace and progress while you work out digitally. 

See our NordicTrack T Series review.

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04/02/2024 10:33 pm GMT
XTERRA Fitness TR150 Folding Treadmill

Key Features

  • Large working surface 
  • 12 preset programs 
  • 3 incline settings 
  • Easy to Read 5" LCD display


The XTERRA Fitness TR150 is a high-powered treadmill machine powerfully built to accommodate users of any size and shape. The treadmill combines performance and quality, giving you the perfect experience for workouts with the flexibility of a machine that can be easily folded.

The intuitive 5-inch LCD screen display is designed with great care, allowing the users to control the treadmill while working out easily. Moreover, the display panel keeps you updated, giving all your workout stats.

TR150's workouts are incredibly effective thanks to its high-end 2.2 HP engine, three customizable inclination settings, and hammering speed range of up to 10 MPH. The Treadmill is built with great measures, with the hand grip sensors mounted on the handlebars ensuring your grip on the handlebars is strong.

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04/02/2024 10:59 pm GMT

4. Air Bike

An air bike is a hybrid of an exercise bike and an elliptical and is one of the most popular gym equipment in the CrossFit community. It is used for a cardio workout, full body workout, interval training, and body weight loss.

Air bikes have a fan attached in front of the pedals and it uses compressed air as the power source. Thus, it is a pollution-free home gym device. It is important to buy an air bike with stability, a comfortable seat, a digital display, and transport wheels.

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5. Workout mat

A workout mat also called a yoga mat is a cushioning exercise mat made of a soft and durable material like PVC with an easy-to-clean covering like vinyl. They are used for stretching, crunching exercises, squats, and yoga.

A yoga mat is essential for a safe workout as it prevents injury, decreases the pressure on joints, and relieves pain. A 4-6mm thick, non-slip textured, sticky, and eco-friendly yoga mat works best. So, do not forget to buy a high-quality yoga mat when you are getting your home gym equipment.

Our Top Picks

6. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are long lightweight elastic loops that are used in toning muscles, muscle training, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. They work by creating resistance against which the muscles move and induce contraction.

These bands are color-coded depending on the level of their resistance. The colors include red, green, blue, and black representing light, medium, heavy, and X-heavy resistance. They make a vital part of high-quality home gym tools. Tension and strength are the most important factors of a durable resistance band.

Our Top Picks

7. Dumbbells

Dumbbells are part of gym equipment used in weight lifting, weight training, increasing muscle mass, and joint isolation exercises like bicep curls. They come in a pair and have short rods with weight on their ends. The weights could be round, square, or hexagonal.

They can be adjustable, plate-loadable, or fixed and made of rubber or metal. While choosing dumbbells, make sure that the set has a light, medium, and heavy weights so that you can slowly increase the weight.

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8. Elliptical

An elliptical is a low-impact stationary machine similar to a treadmill. They work best for people with musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis or injury as they put no pressure on joints and provide the benefits of running, walking, or climbing.

They are used to improve the health of the lungs and heart, strength training, boost stamina, improve balance, and lose fat. A home gym elliptical must have adjustable resistance, changeable incline, quiet operation, and smooth motion. So add an elliptical to the list of your home gym equipment if you suffer from any joint condition.

Our Top Picks

[Body Power] Patented 2-in-1 Elliptical Machine & Stair Stepper Trainer

Key Features

  • Resistance training machine 
  • Digital monitor 


The [Body Power] Patented 2-in-1 Elliptical Machine & Stair Stepper ensures an innovative workout experience compared to ordinary exercise machines.  

The uniquely designed machine features a groundbreaking curve-crank that provides dead-zone free, which helps you work out efficiently, so you can get the most out of the Cardio sessions. Moreover, the exercise machine incorporates 2-IN-1 HIIT thanks to the perfectly designed handlebars to provide an oval path and the stepper movements for full-body workouts. 

 The machine is ideal for people who want to stay fit, burning some calories while performing more than one type of exercise such as a vertical climber, an elliptical trainer, and an exercise stepper/stair climber. Moreover, the ergonomic design ensures safe and productive training. 

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9. Jump Rope

A jump rope is a long rope with fixed handles used for swinging and doing exercise. It is a part of the most feasible and best home gym equipment. Melting fats fastly, making you lean, improving posture, better sleep, enhancing cardio stamina, and increasing bone density are some of the common jump rope benefits.

A cable rope that is easy to replace with a 90-degree angle handle having ball bearings, good grip, and length adjustments are some of the qualities of an efficient jump rope.

Our Top Picks

Amazon Basics Standard Jump Rope
$12.82 $8.79
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04/02/2024 10:21 am GMT

10. Core Sliders

Core sliders are home gym equipment with double-sided discs used for burning fats, cardio training, and full-body workouts. They work on abdominal and core muscles and are helpful for plank exercises as they make you move faster and increase intensity.

The best core sliders have different materials on both sides, are easy to handle, and glide smoothly for uninterrupted workouts. Core sliders with plastic on one side can also be used on carpets.

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11. Medicine Ball

A medicine ball is a high-weight graspable ball having a diameter comparable to shoulder width. You can do exercises like rock and roll up, lunge with overhead press, reverse swing, and squats using a medicine ball. It helps to build muscle, improve neuromuscular coordination, enhance muscle power, build flexibility, and rehabilitate.

While getting a medicine ball as your home gym equipment, you should look for a suitable size and weight, a durable rubber design, and a dimpled surface for a better grip.

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12. Kettlebells

Kettlebells are big round balls made of cast iron or steel and have a gripping handle. They work on hundreds of muscles in the body and are used for defining muscles, improving cardiovascular stamina, strengthening joints, and enhancing power for sports.

Kettlebells are efficient in strength-based workouts. They come in multiple sizes with weight differences of 4, 5, or 9 lbs. The width of the handle, coating material, durability, weight increment, and price are a few things while buying this home gym equipment.

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13. Foam Roller

Lastly, a foam roller serves as a beneficial piece of equipment for home gyms. It is a lightweight, long, and cylindrical tube having compressed foam inside. Foam rolling helps enhance flexibility, relieve muscle soreness, eliminate muscle knots, deal with inflammation, and improve joint movement.

Soft foam rollers work best for beginners while hard ones are more long-lasting and good for intermediate-level workouts. Also, high-density foam rollers are recommended.

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Related Categories: Workout Equipment, Dumbbells, Exercise Equipment, Treadmills
Tags: Guide

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